New innovative products are essential because they can achieve high success and become game changers by causing market shifts when done right. There are three stages of the product innovation process, regardless of whether a company is creating a new innovative product or making changes and improvements to an existing one. Product innovation refers to the creation and introduction of a good or service that is new to the market What is Product Innovation or an improved version of a previous product. It includes significant improvements in components and materials, incorporated software, technical specifications, and other functional characteristics like user-friendliness. The definition consists of new products and services and new uses for existing ones. The first step to building a successful innovation strategy is defining your market around this job-to-be-done.

Search the Internet to find the most successful innovative companies. Which companies are known for producing the best innovative products, services, or other types of innovations? Do they mention innovation in their mission, vision, or values? The company should ensure data and information are accessible to all. A digital document management system can act as a repository of information vital for the success of new product development initiatives.

What is Product Innovation

The duration matters a lot hence try to be quick with your development process. It depends entirely on the customer’s feedback; hence market research is the key. In product innovation, market research plays a significant role. Before launching your product, do final research of the market and check if the requirement is still the same or changed. If the answer is definite to both the questions, then yes, the product can be categorized as an innovative product.

With an enormous procurement power of nearly US$ 3.5 billion annually, UNICEF can drive businesses to invest in the development of quality products. Sometimes thinking only about your products can create tunnel vision, a view that’s too limited to allow for those big innovative ideas that could lead the massive success. Product managers are often responsible for driving innovation within their organizations. That shouldn’t come as a surprise, given product managers—particularly the good ones—have a deep understanding of their user personas and potential voids in the market.


Numerous examples of product innovation include introducing new products, enhanced quality and improving its overall performance. Product innovation, alongside cost-cutting innovation and process innovation, are three different classifications of innovation which aim to develop a company’s production methods. For example, when computers were first used, they were radical innovations. However, the computer was improved from the previous large sizes to the new small laptops and personal computers. The computer industry has seen tremendous improvement and innovative products in recent years leading to more affordable types of computers.

  • An example of a new innovative product is Tesla, a tech giant used as an example every time people think about innovation.
  • LawDistrict helps individuals and businesses to simplify the preparation of legal documents, according to their own specific needs.
  • No one is distracted by side projects or arguing for a different set of features—because they’ve all bought into your quantified priorities.
  • However, their genius technology involves improving the technology that makes more and more people love electric cars.
  • After all, asking someone what he wants to drill a hole for is likely to yield better information than asking about the desired size of the drill bit.
  • Are your customers cobbling together solutions to get the full job done?
  • Product innovation can be classified by degree of technical novelty and by type of novelty in terms of market.

Firstly, we’ve already debunked the myth of being 100% original because everything is built on or an iteration of something else. The ARIDA project involves the development of handheld devices that accurately diagnose pneumonia in children. The project’s aim is to develop an appropriate household water treatment product that is suitable for emergency response situations. Once the interviews are complete, researchers make a comprehensive list of the collected outcomes, removing duplicates and categorizing the outcomes into groups that correspond to each step in the process. Were very satisfied with their ability to decipher what their customers want.

It should address the problem of a large section of your customer base. By relevancy, we also mean that the product should be relevant to your competitor. You not only need to do proper market research, but you need to do it in a short duration.

Smart Expansion To New Markets

Classification by levels of novelty include new only to the firm, new to the industry in the country or to the operating market of the firm, or new to the world. Being able to see your customers in a more holistic way, and from that, understanding how best to reach them, is how you can really drive successful product innovation. On the other hand, process innovation is implementing a new or improved production or delivery method.

With a strong foundation and credibility, MIT Pune founded the MIT Institute of Design under MAEER MIT Pune. MAEER’s MIT Institute of Design began operations in August 2006, directed by the best brains in Indian design education at the time, intending to establish itself as a world-class research and teaching centre. Enroll for our Innovation focussed courses and upskill for tomorrow.

They offer an ‘immersion’ interface that allows for engagement with important companies and professional associations, making them one of the top innovation courses in India. The programme also assures demanding projects that cover a wide range of topics pertinent to our day. Students have the option of selecting themes from a variety of topics based on their interests and skills. The foremost step in explaining the design thinking fundamentals entails conveying the basic but critical design definition.

An Insight On The Curriculum Of The Courses

It is intended for students who have heard of “user experience” or “user interface” design but have little knowledge of these fields. The mantra is to understand the “Mind Set, Skill Set, Tool Set” of an Experience Designer. Through teamwork and role-plays, students have an intensive peer-learning opportunity in this course by MIT ID. Throughout the course, real-life case studies will be explored. In the modern economy, the ability to think creatively is highly prized. Employers are looking for someone who can think creatively to solve problems in company operations. Critical thinking and creativity are two talents that may help you develop your inventive thinking abilities and offer new ideas to your job.

Then conduct the interviews, organize the data, and rate the outcomes. When you ask customers what they want, they describe solutions—products, features, services. They can’t imagine what they don’t know about new technologies, materials, etc. So they suggest things other firms already offer—prompting “me-too” products or incremental improvements—opening the field for competitors. At Differential, we help organizations innovate products, processes, and business models by turning back-of-the-napkin ideas into great digital products. Because of these powerhouses, many might assume only startups are capable of massive business model innovation.

Once you define the process, carefully select which customers will participate. It’s important to narrow interviewees to specific groups of people directly involved with the product. Open the interviews to too wide a group—distributors, retailers, stakeholders, salespeople, and so on—and you end up with extraneous information that can complicate the research effort and lead your company astray. Cordis, for example, chose to interview customers who could judge the value of its product from a user standpoint and from a cost perspective—cardiologists , nurses , and hospital administrators .

Dont Gamble At Innovation

The process of innovation begins with identifying the outcomes customers want to achieve; it ends in the creation of items they will buy. When desired outcomes become the focus of customer research, innovation is no longer a matter of wish fulfillment or serendipity; it is instead a manageable, predictable discipline. The survey results also allowed Cordis’s engineers to understand the “natural order” of segmentation in the angioplasty balloon market. For example, the company discovered that one group of surgeons valued precision and accuracy in balloon placement; another group valued the speed at which they could complete the procedure. Recognizing these differences, Cordis created a set of products that satisfied the desired outcomes of each group. Innovation product development involves a continuous improvement approach to product and service development.

What is Product Innovation

Yet when companies give customers what they ask for and fail to see the results they hoped for, executives scratch their heads and conclude that customers don’t really know what they want. Second, it will show your coworkers in other departments that your product team views failure as inevitable and even a valuable teacher. Showing your colleagues that your product experiments don’t always work out will also make the idea of sharing their own ideas seem less intimidating. Promote innovative thinking everywhere—not just within the product portfolio. The John A. Dutton e-Education Institute is the learning design unit of the College of Earth and Mineral Sciences at The Pennsylvania State University.

Try it now It only takes a few minutes to setup and you can cancel any time. As a member, you’ll also get unlimited access to over 84,000 lessons in math, English, science, history, and more. Plus, get practice tests, quizzes, and personalized coaching to help you succeed. Show bioAmy has a master’s degree in secondary education and has been teaching math for over 9 years.

When you invest in innovation and product development, you see benefits across your entire organization — impacting everyone from executives to sales and marketing to customer service and beyond. On the demand side, the proliferation of more consumer choice than ever before spurred by a multitude of digital channels is resulting in constantly changing customer expectations. This, in turn, is fueling a demand for greater personalization, or the ability to market, advertise to, and even develop products or services that suit individual consumer preferences.

With the introduction of engine-powered mowers, people now had another option when it came to cutting their lawns. They could either purchase the manual reel mower that relied strictly on muscle power to mow the lawn, or they could purchase a powered lawn mower that used motor power to cut the grass. This was innovative because you now only had to pass over a patch of grass once, whereas before you may have needed to push the reel mower over the same patch repeatedly before getting everything cut.

The Problem With Listening To Customers

Within a year, this new messaging strategy helped their customers see value in their products and services, resulting in a 30% increase in revenue. Are your customers cobbling together solutions to get the full job done? Typically, the answer is ‘yes.’ And yet, it’s the most complete products and services that help the customer get more of the job done that will win in the market. We have discovered that customers consider between 50 and 150 metrics when assessing how well a product or service helps them to complete a given job. These metrics are the customers’ needs — and the power behind this innovation process. They define what perfection means and instruct your company on how to deliver value.


Students will develop sturdy prototypes to illustrate their ideas influenced by brand principles and new technology with the best design thinking courses in India. Is the concept of growing or improving a company by making a succession of small-scale improvements to existing products, services, processes, and tools. Refining the design process to maximize speed whilst protecting the user experience is a delicate balancing act. Responsibility for new product development strategies is likely to be shared between design,product management, and development. This means that the design team will have some input into the strategies chosen and will be able to influence these strategies with their user research to guide the strategy to fit the needs of their users.

If you are new to HBS Online, you will be required to set up an account before starting an application for the program of your choice. No, all of our programs are 100 percent online, and available to participants regardless of their location. We offer self-paced programs on the HBS Online course platform. Disruptive innovators, however, are likely to avoid a fight because the segments they’re after offer the lowest profit margins and, therefore, aren’t a justifiable use of incumbent companies’ time, money, or effort.